Sunday, November 9, 2008
It's time to get with the program
When we last chatted, it was early summer and Chelsea was singing the National Anthem at the Roadrunners game. Oh my. How things have changed! Because I am a stickler for continuity, I feel the ridiculous need to go back in time and try and catch up a bit. Especially since I thought this would be the closest thing I could come to a journal when I started it.
So, I'm going to now "pretend" to go back in time and post a few fun things from the past few months that I should have put on here. Kind of like Marty McFly, only not so cool.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Chelsea goes to Michigan -- GO BLUE!
Coffee Table
4 Antique Kitchen Chairs
Two end tables for the front room
2 Standing lamps and 1 Table Lamp
Nightstand for Chelsea's room
A full set of dishes
Desk Chair
Shutters for decorating
The next project was dealing with the disgusting white walls. The room looked pretty worn out. She has her own bedroom that's big enough for two girls, but for now, she's got it all to herself! (Quite a difference from the tiny dorm rooms her classmates are in.) So, we decided to paint! Chelsea got her new friend and classmate Grace to come help us, and we went to town.

We also had to buy her a bed at Costco, and got some make-it-yourself Sauder furniture to fill in the rest of the necessities -- 2 bookshelves, a desk, and a behind-the-toilet cabinet. And guess who put it all together . . . ME! I have such a handy husband that I never have the opportunity or need to do such things myself. Well, I have to give myself credit, I did a darn good job!
Here I am tearing my hair out trying to put together the etagere (toilet cabinet)
So, after lots of hours and lots of work, she has an adorable bedroom and a great apartment! Here's the finished product:
We did take time out on Saturday to go to the first Michigan football game of the season. Amazingly, it was against the University of Utah! That stadium is unbelievable -- the largest stadium in the entire country! There we were, with 108,000 other crazy fans in "The Big House." It was just a sea of "maize" (Michigan-ese for yellow). I proudly wore my "Michigan Mom" t-shirt and sat with Chelsea and her classmates in the student section.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
My son, the model
Monday, August 18, 2008
My husband, the Bonsai Guru (wanna-be)
BUT, that's not all!! No, folks, if you look right here in my bathtub, you will see baby Audrey. And yes, she DOES live in the bathtub. Every day. All year long. Nope, no baths for us. Baby Audrey was doing really well, in fact, I really quite liked her. She was far more tame than her big sister, and I thought she had potential to really be quite a lovely bonsai tree. BUT NO!! Scott had another "vision" for baby Audrey. And with that vision, he went to work on her again this week. Cutting (hacking), pruning, and re-shaping her. Wanna know what baby Audrey thought about the gentle "pruning" she'd received? Take a look ---
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
First Day of School 2008!
Something happened to Alex's photo, but at least it shows he was here -- laces untied, wearing a DHS Ambassador t-shirt, and his new favorite plaid shorts. He's starting his Junior year of high school at Dixie High.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Friends Party at the Terry Ranch!
We did LOTS of talking, and had a blast going out on the Rhino and 4-wheelers. I totally want a 4-wheeler now!! Here's Nancy & Jason Hauck in the Rhino, with Miriam and Thayne Houston hanging off the back.

Trisha and Mick made an awesome dutch oven dinner for us, accompanied by the good stuff everyone else brought. After dinner we played a few games and HAD to take advantage of a great photo-op.
Larkin Family Reunion - August 2008
We started off by all going to see "Les Miserables" at Tuacahn. It was wonderful, as always. There's no setting quite as spectacular as this canyon ampitheatre! It just can't be beat.
Our next activity was a day at the Veyo Pool. Check out the bathing beauties here! We enjoyed playing in the pool, eating those famous Veyo corn dogs, and the kids participated in their all-time FAVORITE Veyo activity . . . catching crawdads in the stream! Those critters are creepy.
Sunday night we all got together at Grandma and Grandpa's house for a little family slide show, ice cream, and a few TRULY UNFORGETTABLE performances! We also celebrated the August family birthdays. No birthday gift from our family to Sienna would be complete without one completely ridiulous item. It all started back a few years ago when I forgot to get Sienna's present ahead of time, and so for a Sunday night birthday celebration, I pulled out the only thing I had that might "pass" for a 3-year-old gift. A lovely peach striped neck pillow. Now let me say, it WAS cute and fuzzy and cuddly and all, but I will never live it down. As a result, we've just made it a tradition to keep giving these fabulous, but non-child-friendly gifts to her every year. This year's gift? A lint roller. Ali was thrilled, she really needed one. :) Just check out that convincing smile!! (The girl hasn't figure out that it's a joke yet... but isn't she so polite?!)

Poor Jer could hardly stand it. All he could say to Tim afterward was, "For Pete's sake, HOW am I ever going to be able to top THAT one??!!"For once, someone made Jer look like the mellow, stable one! Gotta give that Tim some serious credit here. He tossed all pride aside, and gave us something we will NEVER forget!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Pioneer Day in adorable and historic Pine Valley!
Along with that, there's a breakfast and a morning full of games on the lawn. It's all the classics -- running races for every age group, water balloon toss, licorice eating contests, pie eating contests, the works. Great, all-american fun! Grandpa gave the mop-pony race a try, and Spencer enjoyed a little ride on the wagon pulled by Craig Booth and his tractor.
But the best part of all is at the end, when it just turns into a big water balloon fight! We especially enjoyed watching Nathan and his friend McKenna Labrum running all over trying to get each other with water balloons. McKenna lucked out -- Scott was all-too-willing to help her soak Nathan!