Monday, June 9, 2008

Girlfriend's Getaway to Lake Las Vegas and Beatles LOVE!

Billie Rowland, Me, Jackie Darrington, Trisha Mickelson, Brenda Wade & Nancy Hauck.

It's so great to have wonderful friends! The gals from the Dixie High School Class of 1984 (or was it 2004??) haven't gotten together enough since we graduated. We've all been a bit busy getting married, delivering babies, raising kids and now teenagers, working, etc etc.
Even though all of those things are pretty important, we just haven't done enough to have fun TOGETHER. Thanks to Trisha, we finally planned and pulled of a Girls Getaway weekend! Brenda's hubby Ron has a golf membership residence business, and one of their properties is a beautiful 4 bedroom home at Lake Las Vegas. For the cost of cleaning (SO worth it!) we were able to stay for two nights at the Marker's house. The first night we had 7 gals -- me, Billie Rowland, Trisha Mickelson, Brenda Wade, Nancy Hauck, Toni Blake and Dana Moody. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of Dana & Toni on here!
We went down on Thursday afternoon, and started out just sitting and chatting for hours. Then we went to dinner at a great Mexican place down by the lake, where they would NOT let me have two different enchiladas. All I wanted was one beef, one chicken. But NO! Mr. waiter dude said that could not be done. I had to have two of a kind. Yeah, right. I did NOT believe him. He was just being lazy. Whatever. ANYWAY, my dear friend Billie was a hero and ordered two chicken, and I ordered two beef. Walah, switch-er-oo, and I have one of each. HA!
We ended up playing Wackee Six back at the house until the wee hours of the morning (2 am-ish), and Trisha just kicked all our hineys after she got the 200 good-attitude-bonus points. Just goes to show what a good attitude can do for ya!

Friday morning, Nancy served us her famous strawberry french toast "al fresco" (I think that means outside on the patio???) Unfortunately, at that point Dana and Toni had to go home, bummer. But Jackie Darrington showed up to fill the gap! We spent a few hours at the pool eating Italian Ices chatting. Then, it was time to get dolled up and HIT THE TOWN!

Off we went to the Mirage Hotel to see "BEATLES LOVE!" The show was quite a trip, kind of like being on drugs, without really being on drugs. But it was beautiful, and so much fun! Check out the fabulous theater -- it was pretty spectacular.

After the show came the big finale -- dinner at the exclusive Members Only "House of Blues Foundation Room" at the top of the Mandalay Bay Hotel! Thanks to a Concierge service that Ron works with, we got reservations to this incredible restaurant, and at that point, we pretty much knew that we were VIP's. And if there was any question about it, we determined that my gargantuous flower necklace practically said "V-I-P." One look at that necklace, and we could probably get in anywhere in Vegas.